Customized portfolios are built using our best investment ideas, relying on in-depth research by our analysts
Our comprehensive approach to asset allocation helps generate attractive risk-adjusted returns over the long term while capitalizing on short- to mid-term opportunities by overweighting/underweighting individual securities, industry sectors or geographic regions. Clients benefit from our flexible and objective approach to portfolio construction and global diversification with access to a broad range of investment strategies across a variety of combinations of individual securities, specialized mutual funds and sector ETFs.
Strategic Asset Allocation
Tactical Asset Allocation
Instrument Selection
Passive Versus Active
Internal Versus External
Risk Management: Total Portfolio View
Each strategy typically holds 35-60 stocks complemented by ETFs or niche mutual funds where appropriate
Each strategy typically holds high quality individual bonds complemented by specialized mutual funds/ETFs1 as appropriate.
For clients looking for a streamlined approach, we do manage strategies based on global asset allocation executed exclusively with ETFs and mutual funds.
Our Sustainable Investing strategy focuses on themes that deliver desired investment outcomes and align with your personal values. By combining environmental, social, and governance (ESG) analysis with our traditional financial due diligence process, we are able to identify best in class opportunities, create a broader perspective on long term earnings viability, and help foster a healthier and just world.
Investible themes include:
Have a question or need more information about Investment Management? We’re here to help.
A highly talented and experienced investment team with an average of 20 years of industry experience constructs customized portfolios based on clients' unique goals.
Watch the recording of Cambridge Trust’s Q3 2023 Wealth Management Update where Jeffrey F. Smith, CFP®, EVP, Head of Wealth Management along with our panel of experts, gives us an overview of the markets and discuss the seamless integration of Wealth Management and Private Banking here at Cambridge Trust.
With dividends and bond yields continuing to decline, how can you get your portfolio to generate more income?
As skilled partners to many area nonprofits we provide expert guidance and strategic solutions for each organization’s complex challenges, and offer specialty services customized for their needs. Members of the investment team serve on a number of nonprofit boards and committees, offering strategic advice and guidance.
Endowment Management
Investment Management