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You are cordially invited to attend as we sponsor: 


Cannon Estate Planning Teleconference 


*CLE credits may be available*

Nuts and Bolts of Trust Terminations 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

1:00-2:30 PM

The idea of bringing trust administration to a conclusion may seem to the Trustee like a relief – and, in many respects, it is. However, terminating a trust isn’t nearly as simple as merely distributing its assets (and even that may not be so simple) and walking away. Numerous details must be successfully navigated along the way, and, if they aren’t, unhappy beneficiaries will ensure sleepless nights for the Trustee. In this presentation, we’ll delve into the following:

  • Identifying and locating named or designated remainder beneficiaries 
  • Properly allocating assets among and distributing them to the remainder beneficiaries 
  • Income tax and generation-skipping transfer tax returns
  • Statutes of limitation on actions by beneficiaries and IRS against Trustee
  • Propriety of seeking releases from beneficiaries 

PLEASE NOTE: This is a virtual event, a link to the teleconference and program materials will be emailed to you before the teleconference. 

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A presentation ofCannon